Butoh dancer, director of the Art & Body Laboratory, a picture book author, and a teacher of Japanese.
インドの聖地リシュケシュで,舞踏に出会う。帰国後,アスベスト館で元藤燁子に師事し,舞踏を学ぶ。2004年,藝術身体研究所設立し,ワークショップと舞踏を開始。「ダンス白州2007(山形県・白州)」や「春川インターナショナルマイムフェスティバル(韓国・春川)」,舞踊作家協会の公演などのダンスフェスティバルに参加。イベントの演出としては,冒険舞踏音楽祭「アイに気づかない人体(神奈川・さざなみホール)」や「供犠的イベント(東京・三鷹天命反転住宅)」があり, 神社仏閣での演出・振付も手掛けた。またゼロ次元・加藤好弘の活動への参加や池田龍雄,首くくり栲象とのデュオ作品,音楽家・Numbとの作品やSRC(佐藤ペチカ,中川敬文)+飯村昭彦などコラボレーションも多数。
舞台の他,ライフワークとして戦跡で踊る「世界中が劇場であるプロジェクト」がある。これまで原爆ドーム,第五福竜丸,NYワールドトレードセンター,など世界各地で踊ってきた。これまでにSTUDIO VOICE,Tone,Corpusなど雑誌に活動が掲載され,原爆ドームでの舞踏は朝日新聞に取り上げられた。執筆活動として,TH Seriesへの寄稿,武田尋善とのヒッツキ画報発行。
After graduating university, he worked as a stage actor and as an instructor of psychodramas. He encountered Butoh at Rishikesh, a holy city in India. After returning to Japan, apprenticing oneself to Akiko Motofuji at studio Asbestos-kan he learned Butoh. In 2004, established the Art & Body Laboratory, and started to hold workshops and perform Butoh. Participated in “Dance Hakushu 2007 (Hakushu, Yamanashi- cture,)” “Chuncheon International Mime Festival Chuncheon, South Korea,” and Butoh dance festivals held by the Dance Writers Association. Directed events Adventure Butoh & Music Festival (Sazanami Hall, Kanagawa-prefecture) and “Sacrificial Performance Event” (Reversible Destiny Lofts MITAKA, Tokyo), and also directed and choreographed at shrines and temples. Also participated in Zero Dimension / Yoshihiro Kato and co-created with Tatsuo Ikeda and Takuzo Kubikukuri, collaborated with, for example, the musician Numb and with SRC (Pechika Sato and Takafumi Nakagawa) + Akihiko Iimura. Other than performing on the stage, as a life’s work, he dances at old battle sites for the “All over the world is a theater” project. He has danced at the Atomic Bomb Dome, Daigo Fukuryu-Maru Exhibition Hall, the New York World Trade Center, and other sites across the world. His activities have been published in magazines such as STUDIO VOICE, Tone, Corpus, and the Butoh performed at the Atomic Bomb Dome was picked up in the Asahi Shimbun (Asahi Newspaper.) As a writer, he has contributed his writings to the TH Series, and has published Hittsuki-Gaho, a free satirical zine together with Hiroyoshi Takeda. He and his wife created the picture book titled “I AM HERE.”